• dr ARTUR Rycak

    over 25 years of judicial practice
    in labour law, including 13 years
    of adjudication as a judge

  • dr Magdalena Rycak

    over 20 years of experience
    in labour law

Kategoria:   kategoria 1

Ladies and gentlemen,

Membership in trade unions is currently declared by only 6% of adult Poles, which constitutes 13% of all surveyed employees.

Most trade unionists belong to trade unions that are part of large organizations.

Almost three quarters (74%) of employees who declare membership in trade unions are employed in institutions, offices or enterprises entirely state, local government or public (including one-person state-owned companies), and only 18% work in completely private companies (the data come from the CBOS study No. 138/2019).

For employers in whose enterprises trade unions operate, it is a daily routine to take into account the trade union voice concerning employee issues, be it advisory or even decisive.

Trade unions have a number of rights, including information rights. It happens that they require the employer to provide, for example, information concerning the amount of remuneration of individual employees.

The employer is also obliged to notify in writing the trade union organization representing the employee of the intention to terminate the employment contract for an indefinite period without notice, stating the reasons justifying the termination of the contract.

The above-mentioned issues in the context of the principles of personal data protection were discussed by  attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak with editor Wojciech Tumidalski on TVRP - we invite you to watch the conversation by clicking on the photo

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