Leader of the Posting of Workers and Employment of Foreigners Practice
Habilitated doctor, professor of social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences at the University of Gdańsk, currently holding the position of the Head of the Department of Labor Law at the University of Gdańsk.
Author of several dozen scientific publications, including monographs, studies, articles, comments, expert opinions and glosses on theoretical issues of European and Polish labor law.
A long-time trainer at training courses for lawyers in the field of European and Polish labor law, including courses for judges.
Head of many research projects, including: (1) (Project Manager) Working Yet Poor under H2020-SC6-GOVERNANCE-2019 Enhancing social rights and EU citizenship; (2) (Project Manager) SENSE in transnational transport in the EU within ERASMUS + KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for higher education.
National expert in the following programmes (1) "Study to support an impact assessment on the Written Statement Directive" (2017-DG EMPL-Written Statement Directive / No25); (2) Study on wage-setting mechanisms and minimum rates of pay applicable to posted workers in accordance with Dir. 96/71 / EC (Project No VC / 2015/0334); (3) Study on the protection of workers' rights in subcontracting processes in the European Union within the Community Action Programme in the Sphere of Employment and Social Solidarity - Progress 2007-2013. (Project No. VC / 2011/0015)