Press releases
- 12.08.2024 The Pay Transparency Directive is not as scary as it is said to be (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 03.07.2024 An employee may not refuse to return to work (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 29.02.2024 Covert surveillance in the workplace is illegal (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 27.02.2024 What will the implementation of the Pay Transparency Directive bring us and how can employers start preparing for it today? (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 15.02.2024 The law is evolving with astonishing speed (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 14.02.2024 Romances at work. What are the consequences for the employer? (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 08.02.2024 The Whistleblower Protection Act is coming soon (adv Małgorzata Janas)
- 02.02.2024 Holidays from the Social Insurance Institution" for entrepreneurs. What will the new law change? (Prof. Renata Babińska-Górecka and adv Maciej Krzysiak)
- 23.11.2023 The judge and the court also have formalities. Ruling of the Supreme Court (adv dr Artur Rycak)
- 18.11.2023 What will the implementation of the Pay Transparency Directive bring us? (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 18.11.20223 Labor law and social security 2024. What changes await us? (adv Maciej Krzysiak)
- 26.10.2023 Polish employers also have to pay more for overtime to part-time workers (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 20.09.2023 Employee romance can be a problem for the employer (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 24.08.2023 Not only the company but also the mobber bear the consequences of harassing an employee (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 03.08.2023 When can an employee be recalled from annual leave? (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 05.07.2023 Controversy over the processing of certain types of personal data of candidates for employees at the request of a potential employer (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 26.06.2023 Regulations assuming the introduction of internship pensions have several weaknesses [ANALYSIS] (prof. Renata Babińska-Górecka)
- 21.06.2023 Changes in the law will hit the companies running (adv dr Artur Rycak)
- 12.06.2023 Payment for the attorney ex officio (adv dr Artur Rycak)
- 28.04.2023 New (and old) rights of a parent at work (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 26.04.2023 Amendment to the Labour Code. More breaks, longer holidays. "Right move, but not groundbreaking" (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 04.04.2023 The reasons for dismissal of a fixed-term employment contract do not have to be in writing (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 03.04.2023 Calculation of a lump sum for a remote employee for energy consumption (adv dr Artur Rycak)
- 30.03.2023 New days off in the Labour Code (attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 29.03.2023 What to do when a judge in a verdict writes something different than he said (adv dr Artur Rycak)
- 23.02.2023 Courts create law limiting the payment of benefits for business owners (prof. Renata Babińska-Górecka)
- 26.01.2023 In the Sejm, amendments to the Labor Code. "It's an evolution rather than a revolution." (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 20.12.2022 Employers are cutting what employees have gained from the Polish Deal (adv dr Artur Rycak)
- 12.12.2022 Winter will justify the employee (adv. dr Artur Rycak)
- 09.10.2022 Supreme Court: During covid, you need to keep an eye on your case (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 23.09.2022 The court will not fully replace the lawyer and will not inform about all the consequences of the judgment (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 11.08.2022 PIS wants to prohibit solidarity strikes (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 08.08.2022 Can pupils and students work legally in the summer? (adv. dr Artur Rycak & adv. trainee Nina Bronisz)
- 28.07.2022 Hot weather operation – water, ventilation and fewer hours (adv. trainee Nina Bronisz)
- 21.06.2022 Remote work will stay with us (attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 19.06.2022 Service: which deadline is really binding (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 16.06.2022 June payment in July already with a lower PIT (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 16.06.2022 From July, lower PIT and higher transfers for employees (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 08.06.2022 Delivery as in American films in Poland is also possible (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 30.05.2022 Overzealous anonymization of sentences (adv. dr Artur Rycak)
- 30.05.2022 Even in covid, the draw of judges has priority (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 18.05.2022 The education of the Ukrainian must be properly confirmed (adv. trainee Nina Bronisz)
- 12.05.2022 When the court does not exempt from the fee, ensure the payment (adv. dr Artur Rycak)
- 11.05.2022 The clerk works on the dishwasher because he has to (adv. dr Artur Rycak)
- 22.04.2022 Orthodal easter and the rights and obligations of employers and workers (attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 06.04.2022 Violation of the rules of appointing a judge: verdict - valid or not (adv. dr Artur Rycak)
- 31.03.2022 Can the medicinal entity dismiss an employee who has not got vaccinated (adv. dr Artur Rycak and adv. trainee Nina Bronisz)
- 28.02.2022 Think ahead where you will get divorced (adv. dr Artur Rycak)
- 20.02.2022 The last call for the contribution. Entrepreneurs have problems (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 03.02.2022 The procedural looping in the Code of Civil Procedure (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 18.01.2022 Many important changes in labor law and social security (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 17.01.2022 How to recognize and fight mobbing at work (attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 14.01.2022 The defence of alimony is also exempt from court fees (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 05.01.2022 Changes in labor law in 2022 (attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak and Adv. Artur Rycak)
- 04.01.2022 Employers lower salaries and cut what employees gained from the Polish Deal (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 29.12.2021 The company may employ a driver on the basis of a mandate contract (attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)
- 15.12.2021 New plan of the National Labour Inspectorate - who will be checked in 2022? (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 29.11.2021 Trouble with salaries for December transferred in January (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 23.11.2021 Changing the contract of mandate for specific-task contract will bring benefits. But watch out of ZUS (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 17.11.2021 About whistlebolowers and why entrepreneurs should start preparing for these regulations now (dr Michał Szypniewski)
- 14.11.2021 Whether the Polish order can force companies to raise salaries (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 11.11.2021 To challenge the verdict, pay attention to the necessary formalities (adv. Artur Rycak)
- 22.10.2021 Attorney-at-law Ewelina Pacyniak "A police officer's mental health is not just his business"
- 21.10.2021 Doctor of Laws Michał Szypniewski "Whistleblowing - the final whistle for the introduction of internal procedures"
- 25.08.2021 adv. Artur Rycak on the position of the Supreme Administrative Court if the post of the trainee is also a job
- 24.08.2021 adv. Artur Rycak on the position of the Supreme Court concerning a new model of remedies in civil cases
- 4.03.2021 Non-competition provisions become more popular (Attorney-at-law PhD Artur Rycak)
- 1.12.2020 Severe penalties for employers for paying remunerations illegaly so that employees could avoid alimonies (Attorney-at-lat PhD Artur Rycak)
- 30.11.2020 The number of sick leave due to mental disorders has doubles ( Attorney-at-law PhD Magdalena Rycak)
- 20.10.2020 Adv. PhD Artur Rycak for entitled "Coronavirus is not a reason for dismissal"
- 12.10.2020 PhD Michał Szypniewski for on "Is this the end of business trips"
- 30.09.2020 Attorney-at-law PhD Magdalena Rycak for RP.PL on "Coronavirus in the company. Employers should remain vigilant"
- 03.09.2020 Attorney-at-law PhD Magdalena Rycak for RP.PL on "Employers release from the ban on competition"
- 17.04.2020 Adv. PhD Artur Rycak on TVN24 in the programme "Coronavirus. Report"
- 08.04.2020 Adv. PhD Artur Rycak on TVN24 in the programme "Coronavirus. Report"
- 31.03.2020 Adv. PhD Artur Rycak on TVN24 in the programme "Coronavirus. Report"
- 10.03.2020 The whip on employers is to help prosecution of alimentators (adv. dr. A. Rycak)
- 02.03.2020 Extraordinary measures to fight coronavirus with business concerns in the background (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 06.03.2020 After reorganizing the services, tax officials must take leave to settle employee matters (dr A. Rycak)
- 28.02.2020 Employees on legal highs and there are no regulations (adv. dr A. Rycak)
- 27.02.2020 Remote work without obstacles (by dr. Magdalena Rycak, dr. Kamila Naumowicz)
- 27.02.2020 Liberal labour law can give Britain a head start (dr. Michał Szypniewski)
- 19.02.2020 Employers must extend business trips of the employees who got stuck in another corner of the world for reasons beyond their control (dr A. Rycak)
- 11.02.2020 Alcohol at work. Waiting for the change of law, employers do not have to be helpless (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 01.02.2020 Mobbing at the workplace (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak for the bimonthly Businesswoman & Life, February-March issue)
- 01.02.2020 I am close to people (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak for the bimonthly Businesswoman & life, February-March issue)
- 30.01.2020 The image of an employee can be used under certain conditions (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 24.01.2020 How to remunerate employees so that not to discriminate against them? The article based on the panel of the 11th edition of the HR Director Summit Conference, led by dr. A. Rycak, which was attended by: dr. M. Rycak, L. Kurzydlowska, S. Ludwiszewska and prof. T. Oleksyn.
- 01.01.2020 Reconciliation of work and family life using working time solutions (by dr. M. Rycak for the quarterly LABOUR LAW, January-March issue)
- 28.01.2019 The selection of employees for dismissals is a challenge for HR (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak, advocate dr. A. Rycak)
- 23.03.2017 Constitutional Tribunal on Privileges of Temporary Workers (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 15.02. 2017 Will there be more changes in work certificates? (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 09.02.2017 More protected against dismissal (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 23.05.2016 Trade union activists even better protected against dismissal (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 26.10.2014 A special act is to improve the situation of court officials (advocate dr. A. Rycak)
- 26.10.2014 The work of court clerks requires regulations (adv. dr. A. Rycak)
- 21.10.2014 Will the five-day working week disappear (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 19.09.2014 The employer - our big brother knows everything about us (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 04.04.2014 Should you pay the driver for accommodation in the car (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 02.04.2014 Fixed-term contracts equated to a full-time job (attorney-at-law dr M. Rycak)
- 18.02.2014 Unlawful changes in the labour law (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 12.12.2012 Labour Code: Poles earn less because of bad regulations (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 23.08.2012 Shift workers will be better protected (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 28.04.2010 Can the employer change the planned working time schedule at the employee's request? (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 10.12.2009 Teacher's working time may not exceed 40 hours a week (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 15.10.2009 An entrepreneur may extend the working time settlement period to 12 months (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 27.08.2009 The working time of disabled employees is limited (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 09.07.2009 Medical shift is included in the working time (by dr. M. Rycak)
- 18.06.2009 Drivers are entitled to at least 11 hours of uninterrupted rest (attorney-at-law dr. M. Rycak)
- 13.12.2006 Does the employer violate the provisions concerning overtime work (by dr. M. Rycak)
Audio and Video
- 18.12.2020 Covid-19 has changed non-competition provision practice (Attorney-at-law Magdalena Rycak)

- 27.11.2019 The idea of employers to circumvent the increase in the minimum wage (Attorney-at-law PhD M. Rycak)
- 30.09.2019 Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure of 07.11.2019 regarding, among others reinstatement of an employee during a lawsuit (Adv. PhD Artur Rycak)
- 27.08.2019 The regulations prohibiting discrimination against employees will change (Adv. PhD Artur Rycak)
- 08.02.2019 A mobber is protected by the GDPR better than his victims. (Attorney-at-law PhD M. Rycak)
- 24.10.2018 Effects of the Constitutional Tribunal's judgment on labour regulations (Adv. PhD Artur Rycak)
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