Adv. PhD Artur Rycak’s interview with Monika Smolińska for Puls Biznesu - Remote work during a pandemic
Kategoria: kategoria 1
We invite you to read the interview of adv. dr. Artur Rycak, managing partner at Rycak Law Firm, with Monika Smolińska for Puls Biznesu.
TV.RP.PL #RZECZOPRAWIE adv. dr Artur Rycak: Coronavirus exposed the weakness of the Polish labour market
Kategoria: kategoria 1
We invite you to read the interview of adv. dr. Artur Rycak, managing partner at Rycak Law Firm for TV.RP.PL #RZECZOPRAWIE with Mateusz Rzemek.
Adv. dr. Artur Rycak today at 8:45 p.m. on TVN24 in the "Koronawirus. Raport" programme
Kategoria: kategoria 1
Ladies and Gentlemen, We invite you to watch the interview dr. Artur Rycak on TVN24 in the "Koronawirus. Raport" program today between 20:45 and 21:15.